Загрузить компенсацию за период эпидемии коронавируса

Как загрузить на карту компенсацию за период коронавируса?

Загрузить компенсацию за период эпидемии коронавируса

What Compensations Can I Get?

Passengers that loaded a monthly pass in March can choose one of the following:

  • Load a similar monthly contract at half price
  • Load a similar contract for 14 days
  • Stored value worth quarter the price of monthly contract

Passengers that purchased a flexible 30 pass are eligible for similar compensations relative to the pass start date.

Students that loaded a yearly pass, or a second semester pass can choose one of the following:

  • Extend profile and pass validity
  • Stored value relative to the price of the purchased contract

Students who loaded a yearly pass or a second semester pass are eligible for compensation, but it was not determined yet.

Get a reminder when your compensation is ready >>

Am I Eligible for Compensation?

To check if you are eligible for compensation use the Rav-Kav mobile app for iPhone and Android or the website, and scan the card. If you can't scan a card you can type the Rav-Kav serial number.

I Can't Scan a Card, What Can I Do?

You can claim your compensation in selected service stations at kiosks, retail chains and synagogues.

Additionally, you can claim your compensation from Rav-Kav Online mobile app and website, and then load the compensation in one of the selected service stations, or one of Casponet's ATMs. You can even load the compensation from a friend's device!

Внимание! Согласно инструкциям министерства транспорта, предоставление компенсаций завершилось 31.12.2020.